
Showing posts from August, 2016

Wall Comment System with React JS Part Two

This post is continuation of React JS previous post. React JS is lighter and faster. It needs less coding and as mentioned in the earlier post, React suites best for one page application, front-end and single page websites. The article explains how to post a comment, delete a comment and also toggle(hide/show) a comment using React JS. React JS and Angular JS are two prominent frameworks in JavaScript now-a-days. As its a new series in my blog, I would appreciate for any doubts or your feedback in the comments so that I could explain it to you in a better way. Read more �

Social Network System with React JS Part One

How to solve infinity loading either in your desktop or mobile? By now, everyone is familiar with JQuery , but we all know is JQuery cannot handle such large amount of data to load. React JS is the best solution for this problem. JQuery and other libraries interacts directly with DOM to load any data; but React JS is specifically designed in such a way that it has a mid interactive layer called Virtual DOM which in turn interacts with DOM(as shown in the diagram below). This Virtual DOM helps in data loading very faster. Read more �