
Showing posts from August, 2012

Java MySQL JSON Display Records using Jquery.

This is the continuation of my previous Java tutorial Insert Records into MySQL database using Jquery , now I want to explain how to convert records data into JSON data format and display JSON data feed using Jquery. It's simple just follow few steps with Eclipse IDE, hope you understand the Model View Controller pattern Thanks! Read more �

1AVStreamer HD Broadcasting Desktop or Webcam (Giveaway)

One of the important workaround which I come across in my daily work is to share my PC with my clients and colleagues who work in different geographic location. In order to share your desktop over the internet one needs an high quality of desktop sharing application supporting for audio/video and same time managing a good bandwidth in streaming the desktop for any broadcasting software�s.1AVStreamer is a PC software useful to stream video and audio from any source of your PC to the internet in real-time Read more �

Create Animated GIF Banner using Photoshop.

In this post I want to explain you how to create an animated banner image Adobe Photoshop. This is very useful for banner advertisements, you can present more information in single image. Few days back I had designed a banner for Wall Script, please take a look at the top banner just below menus. Just follow the below steps and design your own banners. Read more �

Facebook Wall Script 5.0

Very Long days back I released a commercial script called Wall Script 4.0, It is a rich Jquery, PHP, MySQL application and collaboration of 9lessons blog tutorials. After many requests I�m releasing Wall Script 5.0 with extra features like friend relations, user authentication, news feed with existing Wall Script 4.0 features and implemented latest Jquery plugins Don't miss the video demo. Thanks Read more �

Upload Files to Amazon S3 using PHP

Are you looking for Amazon S3 bucket file upload from your web project using PHP technology., if yes take a quick look at this post demo. Amazon S3 is the best option to reduce the bandwidth cost as well file load time. Upload functionality is the most sensitive part in web project, one small mistake hackers will upload miscellaneous files. If you are connect with Amazon S3 you will be safe side. Read more �