
Showing posts from May, 2012

Gravatar Login Box Design with Jquery, CSS and PHP.

I had designed a simple interesting login box with contains Gravatar image, just importing user avatar from based on email ID. This post is very basic level CSS implementation and few lines of Jquery and PHP code. I hope this login box design gives special flavor to to your web project. Before trying this live demo upload your avatar at Gravatar. Read more �

Login with Instagram OAuth using PHP.

The very quick registration gives you many users to your web project, we already published login with Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus now time to think about very popular photo sharing portal Instagram. This post explains you how to login with instagram Oauth API and importing user data. Create an instagram account and take a quick look at this demo thanks! Read more �

Create a RESTful Services API in PHP.

Are you working with multiple devices like iPhone, Android and Web then take a look at this post that explains you how to develop a RESTful API in PHP. Representational state transfer (REST) is a software system for distributing the data to different kind of applications. The web service system produce status code response in JSON or XML format. Read more �